MS Awareness Night is Tonight!

MS Awareness Night is Tonight!

The MS Society of Canada/Lakeland Region is using tonight’s game versus the Fort McMurray Oil Barons to ‘kick off’  their 4th Annual MS Awareness campaign to help promote the effects that Multiple Sclerosis has in our society. There is an estimated 2,500,000 people around the world that are affected by MS and scientists are working diligently to find a cure.

The game tonight against Fort McMurray represents an opportunity to not only raise awareness of the disease, it gives the PONTIACS an opportunity to raffle off a signed game worn jersey to do their part and to help raise funds for a local MS client to help rebuild her bathroom to make it wheel chair. accessible. 

In addition to having a table where fans can learn more about MS and having sign up sheets for the MS walk on May 7th, fans will be able to purchase tickets to a meet and greet with the Yaks after the game, the proceeds of which will go to the society. 

Also, in classic hockey tradition, expect some members of the MS Society to throw some t-shirts into the stands.