On Saturday the Bonnyville PONTIACS had their annual Volunteer Appreciation, Team Awards and Tribute to their Graduating Players Banquet. This was a final opportunity to recognize our players as well the people who make it possible to exist as a franchise.
Head Coach and General Manager Rick SWAN says that “what most people see is what happens on the ice when they attend our games but it is important to recognize that the Bonnyville PONTIACS organization are way more than what you see in a game. Everyone in our organization gives so much more than what is expected and do their upmost for every single player to give them an environment better than anywhere else in Junior Hockey.”
It was also a great chance to say farewell to our graduating players and SWAN says that “the first thing that come to mind are the quality of this group. They are role model players who exhibit leadership by example as their standard.”
“Saying farewell to our graduating players has no good in this good-bye.” Redford SWAN, Locke MULLER, Dallas MORTENSEN, Jackson DUDLEY, Stephen KLEIN, T.J. CUNNIGHAM, Dan WEDMAN and Spencer FOO have contributed so much to our community both on and off the ice during their time as a PONTIAC and saying “thank you doesn't seem like it is enough.”
This year a total of 8 players are graduating to the next level of their hockey careers: three players obtained NCAA Division 1 commitments, one player obtained a NCAA Division 3 commitment, two players will be attending NAIT and one player SAIT, one player is waiting to make a commitment to the NCAA or Grant McEWAN. That is a great thing for our program.
“I am humbled to witness the efforts that we see every day with our players and there are no words that can express the feeling of pride that we all have, by being associated with such a first class group of remarkable young men.”
Our graduating players were presented framed pictures for their contributions as a PONTIAC.
M.V.P./Top Scorer/3 Star Award Winner – Spencer FOO
Top Defenseman – Redford SWAN
Rookie of the Year – Ryan BLACK
Unsung Hero – T.J. CUNNINGHAM
Most Improved – Steenn PASICHNUK and Bobby McMANN
Top Defensive Forward – Locke MULLER
President's Trophy – Jackson DUDLEY
Most Sportsmanlike – Brady BAKKE and Shelby KOSTYSHEN
Ma Hebert Award – Vic SADLOWSKI
Thank you for a great season volunteers, sponsors, Billet Families, staff, parents and players!