1st Annual Bonnyville PONTIACS Junior 'A' Alumni Golf Tournament
Golf with Current & Former Junior A Pontiacs Players!
Justi n Fontain e & Mark Letest u in attendance along with former Pontiac and Philadelphia Flyer Jon Kalinsk i.
Saturday May 28, 2016
Bonnyville Golf & Country Club
Registration: 11 a.m.
Shotgun Start: 12:30 p.m.
Cost: $200 per golfer
Includes: Green Fees, Power Cart & Steak Dinner
For more infomation or to register please contact:
- Mark Jensen 780.812.0519 / jensen9474@gmail.com
- Lucas Isley 780.815.1139 / lucas.isley@rapid-response.ca
- Chad Colbourne 780.404.6728 / chadfcolbourne@gmail.com
- Neil Langridge 780-826-0026
- Lance Marchand 780-201-2500
- Mike Wurzer 780-826-0770
Spots will be reserved once payment and registration form has been received. Payment can be made by:
– Cheque (payable to the Bonnyville Pontiacs Jr. A Hockey Club)
– E-transfer: businessmanager@bonnyvillepontiacs.com
– Visa: please call Kim at the Pontiac office (780-826-2893)
Registration forms can be emailed directly to mike@matrixcorporatefinance.com or dropped off at the Pontiac Office.
Sponsorship opportunities are available! Please contact Chad Colbourne (780-404-6728)