“Who Do You Tell?” Partnership
The Dragonfly Counselling and Support Centre and the Bonnyville Pontiacs Hockey team have partnered up to deliver “Who Do You Tell?” youth safety & education program on Child Sexual Abuse.
The partnership with the Bonnyville Pontiacs enhances the Dragonfly Centre’s ability to connect with youth in the lakeland. The Pontiacs are highly admired by the youth in the community, so when the Pontiacs show up in the schools and help deliver key messages, the youth stop and listen. Dragonfly is incredibly grateful for this partnership.
The WDYT? program teaches youth three important messages:
1. Children have a right to say no to any touches to their body that make them feel sad, scared or worried.
2. If a child experiences sexual abuse it is never their fault.
3. The most important thing for a child to do if they experience sexual abuse is to tell a safe adult that they trust.
The students are always very excited to welcome the Pontiacs into their classrooms. This is a very tough and sensitive topic, and the players do a fabulous job touching on the key concepts of the program while having fun with the kids through games and role plays.