PONTIACS Top Prospects Camp Change!

The Bonnyville PONTIACS Top Prospects Camp is post-poned from the April 10th to 12th weekend and moved to the May 22nd to 24th weekend at the Leduc Recreation Center.

The change is made to allow for proper preparation and attention to our camp without the distraction of the AJHL play-offs. Our mission is to run an exceptional Junior A Top Prospects Camp and the change will allow us to effectively do so.

The camp will change to Leduc, Alberta and details and information can be obtained by contacting Associate Coach and Assistant General Manager Larry DRAPER.

Associate Coach and Assistant General Manager Larry DRAPER will send out an email to all players currently registered for the Top Prospects Camp for Bonnyville in April. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Once again further information about our Top Prospects Camp registration and camp availability (May 22nd – 24th) in Leduc, Alberta can be obtained by contacting ldraper@bonnyvillepontiacs.com or calling (780) 826-2893 extension 3.